916 Hickory St., Hollidaysburg PA 16648
Office hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Our mission: Inviting people to love one another.
Our vision: All creation living in harmony with Christ.
Resources for Congregations in Transition
When your congregation finds itself in transition due to a change of call or retirement of a leader, these resources can get you started. For more information, contact the Allegheny Synod Office to schedule a meeting to discuss options.
Allegheny Synod Transition Manual
This manual provides information on forming a call committee and moving through the call process.
Parish Vacancy Form
This form MUST be completed and sent to the Allegheny Synod Office in order for supply leaders to be scheduled in your congregation.
Ministry Site Profile Sample
If your congregation is seeking to call a new pastor, you must complete the ELCA's Ministry Site Profile. This document is a SAMPLE and cannot be used as your profile. The form must be completed online. Schedule a meeting with a staff person from the Office of the Bishop for more information.
Sunday Supply Leadership
This page offers links to supply guidelines and leader information.