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Congregation News November 8


On Friday, November 3 we were informed by the ELCA Churchwide Organization that Sue Ellen Spotts has accepted the call to be the Shared DEM for Allegheny and Upper Susquehanna Synods. Sue Ellen will begin her work with our synods on Monday, November 13. Sue Ellen comes to us with a wide variety of experience deeply rooted in relationship building and strategic planning. She will serve us well. Please join the Synod staff in welcoming Sue Ellen to this new position.


The Rev. Linda McElroy Thomas joined the company of heaven on Saturday, November 4. A memorial service will be held a time convenient to the family. Please hold Pastor Linda’s husband Bob and daughter Flor in your prayers. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to 1030 Grandview Ave., Somerset, PA 15501

GO TELL IT IN THE MOUNTAINS! Below you will find an informational bulletin insert about our Lilly Endowment grant project. Please distribute it in your bulletins in the next week or two as we work toward getting the program started.

OFFICE OF THE BISHOP STAFF RESPONSIBILITY SHIFT As Pastor Kevin transitions to the full time Assistant to the Bishop, his responsibilities and role also will shift. His main responsibility will be leadership and leadership development. Those categories include Candidacy, Mobility, Transitions (vacancy and interim), First Call Theological Education, Lay Worship Leaders and Bishop’s Convocation. He also will continue to be involved in congregational and synod vitality and the Reconciliation Team.

The Bishop will continue to support our Sunday supply coordinator; remain part of the Candidacy Committee, attend and support the programming for First Call Theological Education, help to plan Bishop’s Convocation, and assist with transitions. She will continue to be a member of the Reconciliation Team. The Bishop is the primary contact for misconduct in our Synod, disaffiliation requests, Portico Benefits, partner ministries, our companion synod and constitutional questions. The Bishop guides the Synod Assembly Planning Committee and attends other committee meetings including Synod Council. The Bishop will be convening the advocacy committee and also will oversee the program director for the grant program and the shared DEM.

INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING SERVICE You are invited to attend the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service being held at Sacred Heart Church, 511 20th St., Altoona on Thursday, November 16, at 7:00 PM.

SYNOD ASSEMBLY The Allegheny Synod Assembly worship service will be held on Friday, June 14, 2024 at Zion Lutheran in Hollidaysburg. The Allegheny Synod Assembly will be held Saturday, June 15, 2024 at the Blair County Convention Center. Mark your calendars now and consider being a voting member for your congregation.


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