Congregation News
At our 2022 Synod Assembly, we forwarded a memorial to the Churchwide Assembly which resulted in the Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church (CRLC) being formed. The CRLC has been meeting and working toward outcomes outlined in the memorial. Now, they want to hear from you. The Allegheny Synod has scheduled a Listening Session on Tuesday, January 30. There are two times scheduled: 11:00 am and 7:00 pm. The Listening Session will be held via Zoom and the link will be sent to anyone who registers. This is free and open to any member of the Allegheny Synod. Register by clicking this link:
Do you know a young adult who is ready for a transformative journey of service and fellowship? Tell them about YAGM today! The ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM)program is ready for new volunteers! The YAGM team must find the next cohort of young Christians ready to step out into the future. Do you know one? If you know such a young adult, aged 21-35, this is the time to reach out. Applications are now accepted on a rolling basis, year-round. Those who apply by Feb. 1 will be considered for the service year beginning the following August. Priority will be given to those who apply by Jan. 15. YAGM volunteers who apply by Feb. 1, 2024, will begin their service in August 2024. Through YAGM young adults learn what it means to serve in a spirit of accompaniment as they walk alongside global church companions. They’ll become immersed in a new community and form deep relationships. And they’ll confront poverty, racial privilege, gender privilege, globalization and economic disparity, all through the lens of faith. Learn more at
The Allegheny Synod Deans have met and set dates for our Spring conference meetings ahead of the Synod Assembly on June 14-15. Please publicize the date, time and location of your conference meeting and ask lay people to attend. The conference meetings are open to any member of a congregation in the conference and we specifically hope that the voting members from your congregation will attend. These are the dates. Locations and times will follow soon.
April 8: Bedford Conference
April 10: Clearfield Conference
April 16: Johnstown AND Laurel Highlands Conference (Combined meeting in same location)
April 17: Blair-Huntingdon Conference
April 22: Nittany Conference
Please begin the search for Synod Assembly voting members. Conference meetings are in April. As we start to form the agenda for the Assembly, the following items will be part of the business: Election of people to serve on Synod Council, Consultation Committee and Discipline Committee; election of Churchwide Assembly voting members for the 2025 gathering; and election of a Synod Secretary. You will hear more about nominations in the coming weeks. The Synod Assembly will be held on Saturday, June 15 at the Blair County Convention Center in Altoona. Friday, June 14 Synod worship will be held at Zion Lutheran in Hollidaysburg.
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