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Congregation News Week of February 15


There have been questions and concerns surrounding the distribution of communion by lay people. Below is a letter that will be sent to lay worship leaders and congregations. This simply outlines a procedure. Our hope is to continue clarifying the procedure and try to support congregations without called ministers in their desire to receive the Sacrament. If you are asked to provide an Extended Table, please do not consecrate whole boxes of wafers and gallons of wine. One or two weeks’ worth is the limit.

CONTINUING EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY Why we should care about Luther – Martin Luther on the Holy Spirit and the Christian Life. This is a free, online, spiritual enrichment opportunity open to pastors, followers, and parishioners alike. Dr. Candace Kholi will lead this dynamic course over 4 Sundays, beginning on February 26, from 6:00pm – 7:30pm CST or you can join a facilitated session using Sunday’s recording, beginning on Wednesday, March 1, from 7:00pm – 8:30pm CST. Explore Luther’s ideas, legacy, and learn why Luther’s cool for multiple reasons. His ideas are totally revolutionary, and they literally changed the world. Coming away from this experience we hope you will see how your ideas can be revolutionary. For more information about the LSTC Learning Community, subscriptions, and our formation programs, please click here.


Noted iconography Mary Kay Laplante is holding an icon writing workshop at Grace March 5-10. The class is limited to 10 participants. You will end up with a beautiful icon of John the Baptist. Flyer with more information is below.

Poetry Showcase

March 17 in the evening Grace, State College will host a Poetry Showcase and Open Mic night with Gretchen Rockwell. Time and other information will be available soon. Contact Pastor Carolyn Hetrick for more information.


A variety of music for organ and piano is being offered for sale by Brenda Gregory. If interested, call 814-215-6108.


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