Congregation News Week of January 4, 2023
Friday, January 6th, 8-9:30PM*
Sequanota Bowersox Center
Viewing of "One Nation Under God?"
The Bible For Normal People is presenting a one night class about Christian Nationalism entitled "One Nation Under God?" on Friday, January 6th from 8:00-9:30PM. A group plans to gather together to watch and discuss this presentation at the Bowersox Center at Camp Sequanota. Dinner will be served at 5PM; overnight accommodations with breakfast are available for those who don't wish to travel late at night afterwards. The recommended fee of $25 to access the class is already paid; as the class is billed as "pay as you can" you may make an additional donation to The Bible for Normal People if you choose. If you know of lay members in your congregation or others who may be interested, feel free to pass this invitation along to them.
From The Bible for Normal People:
What does the American flag have to do with the cross? To adherents of Christian nationalism, the answer is everything. Join Sam Perry for a one-night class for a glimpse into the sociocultural phenomenon of white Christian Nationalism and how the Bible is being used to support ideologies that are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus. Topics: Debates over gender translation in evangelical Bibles; Use of niche Christian nationalist Bibles; Use of actual biblical tests to justify Christian nationalism; How folks use the Bible to justify anti-democratic violence
Please email by Wednesday, January 4th if you plan to attend so we have an accurate count for dinner. Please contact Sequanota at 814-629-6627 or to reserve an overnight room and be included in the count for breakfast.
Marie Cameron, whose poetry book I Have No Name, was nominated for Pulitzer Prize for poetry, will be at St. Mark Lutheran, 850 Snydertown Rd., Howard PA at 10am Saturday, January 28 for a talk and discussion. I Have No Name was a compilation of Holocaust stories survivors told Cameron, who survived the Holocaust herself having lived in Nazi Germany. Her latest book, I Have No Name — Threads — L’Chaim (To Life), is “the final comprehensive collection of her poetry,” and in it “she explores being an observer in this rapidly changing world.” She says she will request those attending to choose particular decades, and she will read poetry from that period. She will bring copies of her book to purchase and for her to sign.
The December issue can be found here.
A letter from Bishop Paula regarding the nomination process for the Commission For A Renewed Lutheran Church and the form can be found on the Allegheny Synod website in the News and Calendar tab. If you have questions, please contact the Synod office.
As in previous years, all ELCA congregations, synod authorized worshiping communities (SAWCs), and new starts will receive an annual congregation report packet through the mail. This packet should arrive during the second week of January. It will contain paper copies of Form A and Form C, instructional documents on how to complete these forms, and the password that congregations or communities will use to file their reports online. The online system for Congregation Report Forms A & C for 2022, accessible at, will open during the second week of January.
New this year will be the addition of email communication with ELCA congregations and worshiping communities. On December 13, the ELCA churchwide organization will send out an email describing the annual congregation report process and key dates for the new data year. The email will also provide a link to generic versions of Form A and Form C, so congregations that wish to begin compiling their data can do so. This email will not contain the password for the online system.
If any congregations still wisH to file 2021 reports, they must do so before the online system for filing Form A and Form C for 2021 shuts down on Wednesday, December 21. By way of reminder, synods are responsible for keeping copies of 2021 reports. Please print or save any remaining 2021 reports now as they will not be accessible after the shutdown.
As in previous years, the Office of the Secretary will send the passwords to you as synod statisticians. This information will be distributed following the closure of the online system for 2021 data.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at or 773-380-2445.